Meet Chris War

My story of transformation:

Chris War, a former vice-president of a coorporate giant in the industry, has always had a heart for helping others in need which is nothing new to her. As her heart has always lead her to be amongst the top performers in her field, she has also battled with illnesses in response to stresses she felt in the workplace. By being able to heal the body through the power of the mind and Ancestral Teachings, she has answered a higher calling of deepening her roots in the spiritual realm through sharing her journey. Learning to harmonize her natural gifts and celestial talents, she has mastered to become an aclaimed international motivational speaker and light warrior.


Chris has always believed that we are born with a higher purpose. As an empath, she has dedicated her life’s work to raising consciousness through the use of ancestral medicine, ascended wisdom, and spiritual healing workshops. Her lightwork has guided many to live purposefully and to create heartful connections. Chris’s mission as an indigo child is to support humanity revolutionize by reclaiming freedom and awakening the vital forces of nature within. She is the founder at ASCEND - The Portal is within YOU where their mission is to take holistic practices, healing modalities, workshop events, and teachings to patients all around the world, leading the crowds by setting her own example and bravery forth, and always speaking from personal experience. She is Co-Founder of Awake-N Organization where she may provide a safe space for younger LGBTQ+ Generations and the entire youth may learn to use their natural talents to help themselves and others. There is still a lot of history to discover, but as Chris likes to say, "He who looks outside, dreams. He who looks inside, awakens."

Ancestral lineage:

Ancestral lineage from Indigenous Americas - Yucatan Peninsula and Indigenous Eastern South America - Amazonas. On 2020, she answered the call and moved from Texas to the Mayan Riviera to strengthen her connection to the Source. Internating herself in the middle of the jungle for over half a year with the blessing of the shaman at the local community of Sacab-Mucuy.

My journey supporting hummanity:

Leader at #ifyouhealiheal Local Community Support Program.
Founder at ASCEND - The Portal is within YOU.
Co-Founder of Awake[N] Organization.
Established the Worldwide Movement We Are Warriors!

Sacred plants:

Amazonian Rapé